Friday 28 September 2012

UVU gets federal grant for cybersecurity program

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Bellwether Enterprise Announces Total Production, Largest Loan ...

CLEVELAND, Sept. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --?Bellwether Enterprise Real Estate Capital, LLC (Bellwether Enterprise), the multifamily and commercial banking subsidiary of Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. (Enterprise), today announced it has provided more than $421 million in financing since launching on May 31, 2012. The breakdown by property type is as follows:

  • Multifamily rental housing:????? $211 million
  • Retail:???????????????????????????????? ??$114 million
  • Hospitality:???????????????????????????? ?$58 million
  • Healthcare:???????????????????????????? $22 million
  • Office:??????????????????????????????????? $12 million
  • Industrial:????????????????????????????? ?? $4 million

"As Enterprise celebrates 30 years of innovation and leadership, we are pleased to announce strong results since Bellwether Enterprise's first day as a new organization," said Lamar Seats, CEO of Bellwether Enterprise. "Bellwether Enterprise, in addition to its commercial mortgage banking platform, will continue to focus on financing affordable and moderate income rental housing."

The most recent loan totaled approximately $75 million and was provided to a Cincinnati-based owner/operator for the refinancing of five garden style apartment properties in Texas and two garden style properties in Ohio. It was originated in Bellwether Enterprise's Cincinnati office and was closed and securitized using a Freddie Mac Capital Markets execution.

"Bellwether Enterprise is on track to reach $1.4 billion in mortgage production volume for the 2012 calendar year," said Ned Huffman, president of Bellwether Enterprise. "The success of this transaction demonstrates our commitment to provide the most comprehensive financing solutions for our customers across all multifamily and commercial property types."

In May, Enterprise's Multifamily Mortgage Finance division merged with Bellwether Real Estate Capital to expand its collective geographic reach, and multifamily and commercial banking product offerings for borrowers across the country.

For a full list of Bellwether Enterprise services, go to

SOURCE Enterprise Community Investment, Inc.


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Tuesday 25 September 2012

New documentation rules might preserve cyber law's susceptibility

On last Friday Senator Edgardo J. Angara frazzled that the anti-cyber crime act can?t be used to suffocate the freedom of speech.The Cyber crime Prevention Act delivers the legal act and rules for safeguarding basic freedoms like freedom of expression, and to protect Filipino Internet users from abuse.

He revealed that the various groups walkout the annexation of libel in the bill calling it an violation on independence of speech, then he point out? that any uncertainty in the measure can be illuminate in its Implementing Rules and Regulations. The government is to formulate the IRR within ninety days of approval of the law, which was signed by President Benigno Aquino III on September 12, 2012.?

Edwin Lacierda the president?s spoke?s person informed the media that an inter-agency body comprised of the Department of Justice, the Department of Interior and Local Government and the Information and Communications Technology Office under the Department of Science and Technology will start working on the IRR.

And the spoke?s person said just we have to give the law a chance and see how it will be implemented and going in realistic then only the gateways and the gaps will be soon recognized and properly reported. But from my concern, I believe this law is a innovative for ICT in the country.


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Sunday 23 September 2012

US Differs Debt Crisis

US lawmakers could push Fiscal Cliff deadlines into Y 2013

The US Congress may be arriving at a consensus on how to avoid falling off the Fiscal Cliff on 31 December by simply putting off its own deadline for most of the major year-end budget and tax decisions.

That approach would delay the day of reckoning while also allowing more time for compromise in a Congress that has battled for 2 yrs over how best to reduce huge budget deficits.

No formal agreements have been reached, however, and turning a consensus into an actual deal that avoids jolting the markets or economy will depend on the results of the November 6 general election.

The Cliff refers to the year-end deadline for the expiration of hundreds of billions of dollars worth of tax cuts and the triggering of $109-B in across-the-board spending cuts. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has said the scenario could throw the country into recession.

Congress created the hazardous end-of-year deadline in August 2011 when it agreed to a deficit deal as a way out of a deadlock over raising the US debt ceiling.


In recent weeks, lawmakers from conservative Republicans to liberal Democrats in the Senate and House of Representatives, have alluded to surprisingly similar hopes for the high-stakes ?Lame Duck? work session that will follow the November presidential and congressional elections.

They would put aside the $109-B in ?automatic? across-the-board spending cuts that otherwise would hit military and domestic programs equally.

They would make some new, possibly smaller down payments on deficit-reduction for the near-term. Then they would write a new deadline, maybe 31 March or 30 June to come up with a $4-T deficit-reduction program over 10 yrs; and devise a new method for forcing a divided Congress to act.

The entire exercise would be aimed at finding a long-term fix for US fiscal problems without the jolt of indiscriminate spending cuts and tax hikes that would occur under current law.

The threat of a possible recession after such blanket spending cuts now preoccupies Washington.

Among the fearful are the big-company CEOs represented by the Business Roundtable, for example, and Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the US Federal Reserve, who briefed members of Congress this week after declaring that


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NY zoo: Tiger that mauled man 'did nothing wrong'

The ticket booths are empty and the gates are chained shut at an entrance to the Bronx Zoo in New York, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Zoo officials say a visitor who leaped into an exhibit and was mauled by a tiger was alone with the 400-pound beast for about 10 minutes before being rescued. (AP Photo/Jim Fitzgerlad)

The ticket booths are empty and the gates are chained shut at an entrance to the Bronx Zoo in New York, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Zoo officials say a visitor who leaped into an exhibit and was mauled by a tiger was alone with the 400-pound beast for about 10 minutes before being rescued. (AP Photo/Jim Fitzgerlad)

FILE- In this Sept. 20, 2010 photo provided by the Wildlife Conservation Society, three Amur tiger cubs rest by a fallen tree limb at the Tiger Mountain exhibit at the Bronx Zoo in New York. New York police say a man on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, climbed into an exhibit at the Bronx Zoo and has been mauled by a tiger and lost a leg. (AP Photo/WCS, Julie Larsen Maher, File)

Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny speaks to the media during a news conference, Friday, Sept. 21, 2012, in New York. A visitor to the zoo was mauled by a tiger after he leaped from an elevated monorail train and plummeted over a fence into an exhibit, police and zoo officials said. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

NEW YORK (AP) ? A 400-pound tiger that mauled a man who jumped from a moving monorail train and plummeted over a protective fence at the Bronx Zoo will not be euthanized and "did nothing wrong," the zoo director said.

The mauling happened Friday afternoon in the Wild Asia exhibit, where a train with open sides takes visitors over the Bronx River and through a forest, where they glide along the top edge of a fence past elephants, deer and a tiger enclosure.

Passengers aren't strapped in on the ride, and the man apparently jumped out of his train car with a leap powerful enough to clear the 16-foot-high perimeter fence.

The 25-year-old man was alone with a male Siberian tiger named Bashuta for about 10 minutes before he was rescued by zoo officials, who used a fire extinguisher to chase the animal away, said zoo director Jim Breheny. He suffered bites and punctures on his arms, legs, shoulders and back and broke an arm and a leg.

"When someone is determined to do something harmful to themselves," Breheny said, "it's very hard to stop that."

Bashuta was returned to a holding area where it usually sleeps at night and will not be euthanized, zoo officials said.

"The tiger did nothing wrong in this episode," Breheny said.

A hospital spokeswoman said the man was in stable condition Friday night, but his family has requested that no further information be released.

"If not for the quick response by our staff and their ability to perform well in emergency situations, the outcome would have been very different," Breheny said.

After zoo staff chased the tiger off, the man was instructed to roll under an electrified wire to get to safety, Breheny said. Zookeepers then called the tiger into a holding area, he said.

Bashuta is 11 years old and has been at the zoo for three years.

The Bronx Zoo, one of the nation's largest zoos, sprawls over 265 acres and contains hundreds of animals, many in habitats meant to resemble natural settings. Its exhibits include Tiger Mountain, Congo Gorilla Forest and World of Reptiles.

There are 10 tigers at the Wild Asia exhibit, but Bashuta was the only one on display at the time. There are no surveillance cameras in that area of the exhibit.

Zoo officials said they would review safety procedures but stressed that the situation was unusual.

"We review everything, but we honestly think we provide a safe experience," Breheny said. "And this is just an extraordinary occurrence ... somebody was deliberately trying to endanger themselves."


Associated Press writers Tom Hays and David B. Caruso contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Sunday 16 September 2012

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Complete Set Of 8 Premium Career Manuals By Expert Career Coach. Top Advice For Fast Job/career Change All Levels. Includes Cv Writing, Cover Letters, Interview Answers + Lots More... Affiliate Tools: Http://

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The Beginning of the End of Needles?

Are needles on the way out? Two new methods for administering drugs to the skin have been in the news within a day of each other.

In a paper published today in Optics Letters a team from Seoul National University in South Korea demonstrates how to use a small laser assembly to force tiny jets of drugs into skin with less pain and more control than a needle.

The system includes two back-to-back chambers separated by a flexible membrane, one containing water behind another of the liquid drug to be delivered under the skin. The attached laser pulses once, for 250 millionths of a second, and a steam bubble forms in the water chamber, which presses on the membrane and forces the drug out of the other chamber. A hair-thin jet of the drug then shoots out the attached nozzle and penetrates the surface of the skin to a precisely calibrated depth, causing little or no pain. The laser never touches the skin?only the jet of liquid that the air bubble forces out. Multiple pulses of the laser up the dosage.

The creators had tried this with earlier prototypes, but the trick this time was to use the right laser wavelength to create the perfect-size bubble of steam. In previous tries the bubble had been too small and unstable, and the resulting jet didn?t reliably penetrate the skin. Right now the device is best suited for small doses of drugs at multiple sites, but lead researcher Jack Yoh, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, says in a statement that further development could make the laser suitable for children?s vaccinations en masse. He is currently working with a private company to make affordable, replaceable injectors that might soon be available overseas, but FDA approval would likely slow that process in the U.S.

Meanwhile, MIT scientists have developed an ultrasound method that they say ?could pave the way for noninvasive drug delivery or needle-free vaccinations.? They say their device could be used for topical drugs like steroids, proteins like insulin, or vaccines. The team of chemical and mechanical engineers published a study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, set to appear in the Journal of Controlled Release.

When ultrasonic waves move through a fluid such as a topical medication, they (like lasers) can create bubbles that zoom around at high speeds. When the bubbles get bigger, they pop, and surrounding liquid rushes in to fill the space. These little jets of fluid brush the skin, making microscopic scratches, which gives the drug access to underlying skin cells.

The microjets from the collapsed bubbles ?act like little hammers hitting the skin, creating temporary pathways across the outermost barrier of the skin, the stratum corneum (SC), through which drugs can more readily penetrate and reach the blood capillaries,? Daniel Blankschtein, professor of chemical engineering and one of the senior authors, tells PM.

High frequency ultrasound makes the bubbles and keeps them from moving around too much, while low frequency ultrasound is what makes the bubbles big enough to pop. So MIT researchers combined the two frequencies and tested it out on pig skin. Drug delivery across the scratched patch was better compared with patches of skin treated with traditional ultrasound at only one frequency, and the results lasted up to 24 hours, which would be useful for diabetics self-administering insulin several times a day. The authors also think ultrasound could be used for painless vaccination, which could be of particular significance in developing countries, where needles and people trained to use them can be in short supply?provided ultrasound machines could be made more affordable.

The group is now developing a handheld ultrasound device, which would need to be tested on animals and on humans before the FDA would approve it.


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Thursday 13 September 2012

Supporters throw stones in Venezuela pre-election clash

CARACAS (Reuters) - Rival supporters in Venezuela's presidential election fought and threw stones on Wednesday before a campaign stop by opposition leader Henrique Capriles less than a month before the October 7 vote.

Both sides blamed each other for the worst flare-up since the campaign began in July. Several people were hurt as dozens clashed around an airport in Puerto Cabello - even chasing each other across the runway - where Capriles had been due to land.

One pickup truck carrying opposition campaign materials was set on fire, and at least one other car was smashed up.

There have already been a handful of clashes on the campaign trail as Capriles tries to unseat President Hugo Chavez and end 14 years of the socialist leader's self-styled revolution.

"These acts are not spontaneous. There is someone responsible," Capriles, the 40-year-old governor of Miranda state, told a rally after the clashes, blaming the president personally.

"It is him, and I say this directly: it is you who wants this scenario, you who wants to spread fear, you who wants Venezuelans to continue fighting each other."

The election has so far generated much less violence than some locals had feared. But there is a huge number of guns in public hands, and with tempers becoming frayed as voting day nears there remains the risk of a more serious confrontation.

State media said more than 20 people had been hurt, while an opposition TV network gave a lower number of wounded.

Chavez's supporters blamed the opposition for the clash in Puerto Cabello, which closed the main road to the airport and forced Capriles to arrive in the area by a small boat instead.

"We were surprised by a shower of rocks, fireworks and petrol bombs ... which caused a large number of casualties," Rafael Lacava, the local mayor and a Chavez ally, told state TV.

"We were attacked by an advance group, which (Capriles) always sends on ahead when he holds these type of events."

Puerto Cabello is 60 miles west of Caracas in central Carabobo state. Puerto Cabello's mayor is a "Chavista", but the governor of the state is an opposition supporter.

The head of Chavez's campaign team told a weekly news conference in the capital that it had photographs of members of the Carabobo state police "lashing out" at Chavez supporters during the clashes. But he did not show the pictures to reporters.

Chavez did not mention the disturbance during a two-hour televised speech to a campaign event in the evening with members of a social development project called "Mothers of the Slum".

The 58-year-old leads the majority of Venezuela's best-known opinion polls, but they are notoriously controversial and divergent in the country of 29 million people, and one major pollster puts Capriles ahead.

Among the myriad local polling companies, respected Datanalisis had Chavez ahead by 12 points in July, though Capriles' numbers have been creeping up and another well-known pollster, Consultores 21, has them neck-and-neck. Both sides discount unfavorable polls and say their candidate is ahead.

The president remains hugely popular with many of Venezuela's poor majority, partly due to generous oil-funded welfare projects such as subsidized food stores, and because of his own humble roots and folksy charisma.

He frequently accuses opposition leaders of planning to scrap his social "missions" if they win power. Capriles rejects that, saying he will launch new missions, keep the current ones and improve those which he says do not work.

United Nations data support the government's line that poverty has been reduced under Chavez, but the opposition says he should have achieved much more given the huge oil revenue his administration has received since he took office in 1999.

(Additional reporting by Mario Naranjo, Eyanir Chinea and Hugh Bronstein; editing by Philip Barbara)


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Looking at you: Face genes identified; Five genes have been found to determine human facial shapes

ScienceDaily (Sep. 13, 2012) ? Five genes have been found to determine human facial shapes, as reported by researchers from the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia in the open-access journal PLoS Genetics.

Monozygotic twins have almost identical faces and siblings usually have more similar faces than unrelated people, implying that genes play a major role in the appearance of the human face. However, almost nothing is known about the genes responsible for facial morphology in humans.

This study, carried out on behalf of the International Visible Trait Genetics (VisiGen) Consortium, used head magnetic resonance images together with portrait photographs to map facial landmarks, from which facial distances were estimated. The researchers then applied a genome-wide association (GWA) approach, with independent replication, to finding DNA variants involved in facial shapes in almost 10,000 individuals.

Three of the five genes identified have been implicated previously by other approaches in vertebrate craniofacial development and disease; of these three, one was reported to be involved in facial morphology in a GWA study on children published earlier this year. The remaining two genes potentially represent completely new players in the molecular networks governing facial development.

Professor Manfred Kayser from the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, the leading author of the study, said: "These are exciting first results that mark the beginning of the genetic understanding of human facial morphology. Perhaps some time it will be possible to draw a phantom portrait of a person solely from his or her DNA left behind, which provides interesting applications such as in forensics. We already can predict from DNA certain eye and hair colours with quite high accuracies."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Public Library of Science, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Liu F, van der Lijn F, Schurmann C, Zhu G, Chakravarty MM, et al. A Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Five Loci Influencing Facial Morphology in Europeans. PLoS Genetics, 2012; 8 (9): e1002932 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1002932

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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